Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution Into Lifetime Goals

What a joy and a blessing it was to see all those sweet smiling faces today! I have missed them all so much, and even though it wasn't but a few weeks, it really feels as though I haven't seen them since last year. ;)

With the new year everyone seems to make a new year's resolution.  Some of the many popular resolutions include: get a better education, get a better job, lose weight, exercise more, manage debt, manage stress, save money, volunteer more, and reduce, reuse & recycle.  While those are great goals, I encourage you to make a resolution that will bring a life changing element to your child. 

Let us start a resolution that can start a revolution.  How about instead of a resolution that doesn't always last, creating life long habits.  These are all things that you might already do, sometimes make time for, or maybe you use to do them.  Whatever the case, remind your children the importance behind their family.   Start eating dinner as a family on a regular basis.  Set time aside to read the Bible together, daily.  I promise it will impact not only your child's life but your own.  Be the steadfast example to your children of what it really means to be a child of God.  Go to church on Sundays.  Let them see you worship the Lord in and out of church.

I know we all love to watch T.V. sometimes just a short while, and other times for a long while.  Let's face it, sometimes that takes valuable time away from our family.  Time is always something that we can't get enough of and once it is gone you can't get it back.  I know that my husband and I just got married, but we even set aside these goals for ourselves.  We don't even have children yet and we just keep on going.  If we don't start allowing ourselves to slow down and truly let God take control we will be crazy by the time we have children of our own.  I know all these things pertain to each of our lives, including mine.  Take it slow start with one things at a time.  Cameron and I have decided for our first step, we need to be more faithful to studying God's Word together.  With that we decided that we are going to reading through and study the whole Bible in a year!  Crazy I know.  However, every time that I read scripture, even the same verse, I learn something new.  The Lord has amazing ways to teach us.  Let's start the new year off with a bang that echos lifetime change for all of us.

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