Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Character Trait of The Week--Obedience

Today we were able to have a great class discussion on our new character trait, and learn how we can better apply it to our lives!  

We discussed how obedience is not only doing what you are told the first time, but doing it with a cheerful heart.   Also, that we are to first be obedient to the Lord and all the authority that He has put over us.  Your sweet children reminded me that their earthly authorities are their daddies, mommies, teachers, Sunday school teachers, pastors, grandparents and many more.  

We were also able to discuss that ultimately being disobedient is sinning against the Lord.  It was so much fun to see your children talk about how they should be setting an example of how to be obedient instead of having to be an example of what might happen if you are not obedient.  It brought up an old rule that you all heard when you were young as well: "Do unto others as your would have them do unto you."

After our sweet class conversation, your students came up with two easy goals for them to remember. 

1. Be obedient to the authority that the Lord has put in your life.
2.  Practice your obedience at home to form good habits, so that when you go to school or anywhere else you will know how to behave.

Pretty impressive what this fun kiddos come up with. 

Homework assignment for parents:

Sit down with your child at dinner and discuss ways that they can start to put this into practice at home.  I want to hear that you child has their best foot forward at home and at school!  Remember to always as them questions that they will NEED to give you more then a one word answer, and expect it.  This will help to build their conversation skills as well.  Leave your comments on your dinner discussion to share with other parents too! ;)


  1. When we obey mommy and daddy we obey God! - Jackson

  2. Bruster parents said....

    Don't fuss with parents when they tell you it's bedtime.

    Don't complain when parents ask you to perform task around the house.
